Fight back against money in politics – support SB 1107 today!


Dear Friends:

You may remember we helped take action against the corruption of money in politics with Proposition 15 on the ballot in 2010.

Unfortunately, it did not pass.  Money remains a problem for candidates and propositions thanks to the Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates in the Citizens United decision.

However, we have another chance to act.  SB 1007 (Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica) would provide local governments with a chance to use public funding.

The Citizens United decision threw our democracy completely out of balance. It tipped the scales wildly in favor of wealthy special interests – but the people are fighting back.  

In 2015, from Seattle to Illinois to Maine, voters came together and won major victories. Americans are saying they’ve had enough of big money and are standing up to fight — and WIN.  

California, we’re next. Tell your state senator we need a democracy of, by, and for the people. We need to pass SB 1107!

Incredibly, in California, voters are prohibited from passing laws that restore balance to the system through citizen-funded elections. Why? Because political insiders rigged the system almost 30 years ago.

But we can work together to fix it. Senate Bill 1107 would remove the 28-year-old ban on public financing, allowing our state and local governments to amplify the voices of all Californians, not just the super-rich.

If we want things to change in California, we’re going to have to work together make it happen. Tell the Legislature to restore balance to our democracy – pass SB 1107!‎

Clean elections work – we’ve seen it. New York City’s small donor matching funds system revolutionized political giving for municipal races, engaging voters in every part of the city, not just the richest precincts.  In Connecticut, 74 percent of all elected officials participate in that state’s Citizen Election Program – Republicans and Democrats alike – with wide acknowledgment that it has shifted the balance of power away from lobbyists and back to the people.

It’s time for California to cut our politicians’ dependence on special interest money. Tell the Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1107.

Click here for the link to your State Senator.

Let your Senator know that it is past time we took the power of money out of our elections.  We can do this and do it this year if we pass SB 1107!

‎Thanks for all you do for democracy!

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