H.Res. 59 Is Dangerous!

Listen here, mortal: God has already made abundantly clear what “good” is, and what [The Holy One] needs from you: simply do justice, love kindness, and humbly walk with your God. 

— Micah 6:8, Inclusive Bible

Dear Friends:

The worst assault on religious freedom lies before us.  

As you no doubt know, the homily offered by Bishop Mariann Budde of the Washington National Cathedral was not well received by many in the larger Christian community.  

Within mainline Protestants, her comments were uplifting and central to our view of mercy and compassion, for kindness to the “stranger”, and care for the oppressed in our society.  To others, however, her comments were seen as hateful simply for being expressed to a man in power.

California Council of Churches IMPACT and all of us in the mainline Protestant communities of faith now face a rancid House Resolution, H.Res. 59 by Oklahoma Congressman, Josh Brecheen.  The resolution calls for condemning Bishop Budde by declaring her statement both political and a “distorted message.”  A DISTORTED MESSAGE?  

The Congressman is using the power of the House to declare what Americans can and cannot believe. It implicitly dictates what even a Bishop can and cannot say of the denomination’s principles.  This is the opening salvo in the assault against freedom of religion.

Never in the history of the United States has Congress ever sought to dictate what comprises acceptable faith principles.  The sheer gall it takes to denounce the Bishop who heads our national cathedral where all views and faiths are welcome is appalling. It is also dangerous. This Resolution abets a march towards theocracy that cannot stand.  

Please do not hesitate.  Call your Representative this week, many times this week, to denounce the Resolution as a clear violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution and of Congress’s duty of care to uphold the right to all views without interference from them. 

Please call the US Capitol House switchboard at:  (202) 224-3121.   To find your Representative’s name and direct line, please go to”

Find Your Representative | house.gov

Thank you!   We cannot let this assault on religious freedom go unchallenged. 

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