Caring About One Another Is Life’s Greatest Value

  • Psalm 71:9“Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength is spent” 

Dear Friends:

As you no doubt have read, an unelected and actually unappointed person, Elon Musk, has taken access of our personal records at several different federal agencies not least of which is the US Treasury.  He has said that he and his totally unqualified and also unappointed “team” of young computer people ages 19-25, are reading our records in preparation for ending our services.

  • Romans 16:18“For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites” 

These include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California).  They purport to be looking for fraud as if a cursory reading could remotely determine that among millions of recipients.  At particular risk are those on disability that they think is all fraud. Anyone who ever tried to get it knows how hard it is to be granted such status. The monthly payments for disability barely keep one’s head above water. 

SSA and Medicare are OUR savings plans in OUR accounts, in OUR names. Those on disability are also served by these programs even if they are children with disabilities or serious medical problems.  We all contribute to make that possible. It is part of “promote the General Welfare” of the Constitution.

No one should be cut off, especially without full case review.  These funds support our elders when their own resources are gone. It’s what we spend 40 years building up so we can be secure in our old age. Everyone has contributed something to the fund. It’s ours for our old age and for those whom we love.

Please call immediately to your Congressional Representative and make clear that this money must remain intact and for our benefit!  No interloper can be the judge of us and our uses of our own funds.  That’s theft!

Please call the Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Congressperson.  Please share this widely around the country.  Congress MUST hear from us now.  There is no time to waste.  Call as often as you feel necessary no matter who your Representative is.  They have to know our views.  Please add “weight” of opinion to saving our own resources!

Thank you! 

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