IMPACT State Ballot Proposition Recommendations for the June 5, 2018 Election


In every statewide election, California Council of Churches IMPACT makes recommendations for the state ballot propositions. We base them on our faith principles and arrive at them through prayerful discernment and careful study. While propositions of a general nature have all been moved to the November General Election ballots, those emanating from the legislature may be on the Primary ballot. We have five measures that have been cleared for this upcoming election in June. More information is available at

​We will be mailing our recommendations to our full mailing list for the November election.  However, for the June ballot, we will only be distributing our recommendations electronically.  Please feel free to download, reproduce, and distribute the attached PDF.

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6 Replies to “IMPACT State Ballot Proposition Recommendations for the June 5, 2018 Election

  1. First exposure to IMPACT through presentation by Elizabeth Sholes in Sacremento on 4/17. Impressed by careful culmination of information. Thank you.

  2. Here is my new address for your fall Impact mailing–
    96 Plymouth Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

  3. Please send me fall mailing of November ballot to 19850 East Colima please send November endorsement to 19850 Colima Rd, Walnut CA 91789

  4. Is there any information to counter the “No on 8” ads that state that “Prop 8 would result in clinic closures and cutbacks in services.” ?
    (I find IMPACT analysis so helpful – thank you!)

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