New and more awful assault on health care – raise your voices NOW!


Just when you thought it was safe to focus on other things…

The Graham-Cassidy repeal of the Affordable Care Act rises from the murk and turns out to be the worst version of “repeal” without any “replace” yet.

It ends Medicaid  – Medi-Cal in California – for poor people. Ends it.

It removes subsidies for lower income families and individuals. Replaces it with a small block grant that won’t remotely help people.  It removes the help for those at or under 250% of the federal poverty level (FPL) that pays for deductibles.

Cuts coverage for low-income seniors and people with disabilities by 7% and institutes a cap on coverage.

Ends assurances that those with pre-existing conditions won’t be charged more. Now they can be. No limit to what that is.

Average state cuts are 17% to 2026 then 100% cut thereafter.

“Red states” will get some help. “Blue” states will lose massive amounts to be directed into “Red” states. But those states are not mandated to spend that money on health care.  “Blue” states such as CA, NY etc. look to lose 25-60% of their federal supports for their people.

While we don’t have a Congressional Budget Office score, the basic PREMIUM increases for 2018 will AVERAGE 20% – while subsidies are removed.

Cuts all funding for women in family planning.  (Abortion coverage is already NOT included per the Hyde Amendment.)

Will pass with 51 votes, period. There does not seem to be much planning on discussion – it’s a ‘take it or leave it’ vote that will be passed onto the House in the same way.

Do we need to say more? 
We have until Sept. 30 to stop this. The HOUSE is “at home” in districts – visit, picket, call, FAX your local representatives NOW.    

Go to our site: to get local contact information.

CALL Senators at 202-224-3121 and let them know this is horrific, and it MUST NOT PASS. 

If you like to text, go to 50409 and text “Resist”. If you haven’t done this, the prompts will set up messages for your Senators and Representative.  Then you write the message, and it will be sent as a FAX to them.  It’s a GREAT way to do the “Five Faithful Minutes” every day!

This new assault on affordable health care is the most pernicious yet. Please raise your voice daily between now and September 30.  Every single senator needs to hear from us, even the ones we know are on the side of justice.  Every voice counts, every voice of faith counts, so let your voice be heard – faithful witness for health care must continue until we end this assault on the Affordable Care Act.

Thank you!!

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