Stand with DACA Dreamers and for SB 54 to protect their rights


Dear Friends,
You shall not oppress a resident alien, you know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.  Ex. 23:9
After today’s Presidential decision to put DACA – Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals – under threat of cancellation, we are called to act.  If Congress does not ratify this status protecting young people brought to the USA as children, they will be jeopardizing 800,000 children and adults who have done nothing wrong.
We are all humans, we are all part of God’s family.  We need clear and unambiguous support for people who had no choice in coming here undocumented and who have grown up knowing only the American Dream and working to fulfill it.
So call Congress and insist they create a humane and fair way for these children to remain, to move toward citizenship, and to be secure along the way.
Call Congress – 202-224-3121 – and tell both Senators and your Representative that the long tradition of America as a land of undocumented immigrants must be upheld.  Until 1952 you simply did not wait or need papers to enter America.  You needed a little money in your pocket and to be disease free. That’s it.  You GOT your papers when you entered.  We, as people of faith, understand that populations are mobile in hard times or even good – we were the nation that opened its doors to everyone. That is what America is. That is who we are.
Then, while we are urging Congress to act humanely, we need to put pressure on our Assembly and the Governor to pass SB 54.  It is coming up shortly for a floor vote then, if passed, it goes to the Governor.  SB 54 prevents state agencies and law enforcement from abetting deportations, gives legal protection such as demanding warrants to those who are under threat, and in sum, upholds the rights of resident aliens grounded in the federal as well as state Constitutions.
Many law enforcement agencies want this to pass.  Immigrants are often victims of crime or witnesses to it.  Being able to work with all immigrants is essential to upholding the law successfully.  If people do not report crimes or cooperative in solving them for fear of deportation, crime will worsen. 
Contact your Assembly Member here and let him or her know that you support protecting the rights of all people including undocumented immigrants.
We are called to care for the strangers among us.  They are all God’s children equal to us in every way.  This needs your voice in reinforcement now.
Thank you!

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