Protect all immigrants – RALLY Thursday at Capitol to bear witness for SB 54!


Dear Friends,

California Council of Churches IMPACT will join with our interfaith coalition and the CA Immigrant Policy Center among many others to press for the passage of SB 54 that protects the rights of our immigrant brothers and sisters.

We are calling all people of faith including clergy to join us on the North Steps at 9 am tomorrow, Thursday September 7 on the North Steps of the Capitol at 10th and L Streets in Sacramento.

We will bear witness on behalf of immigrants everywhere.  SB 54 prohibits the use of state funds and resources to seek out and offer up immigrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation, and it protects the rights to immigrants with due process when they are apprehended. This is also our time to stand with “Dreamers” who are now under threat of being deported if Congress does not uphold their pathway to lawful presence and ultimately citizenship.

California’s economy depends on immigrants.  More to the point, we never had barriers to immigration when our free forebears arrived. We stand for the humanity of all people who seek the same hope and rights our historical families did.

Please come rally and let your voices be heard.  If you cannot join us, please call your Assembly members and let them hear you even if they can’t see you.

Thank you!

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