Separation of Church and State at immediate risk – Preserve the Johnson Amendment today!


Dear Friends:

We hope you were able to join us on the Webinar jointly sponsored by California Council of Churches and California Association of Nonprofits.

The preservation of the “Johnson Amendment” passed in 1954 to preserve both church and state, holds that churches may not endorse partisan candidates.  This is a great good for faith communities keeping them immune from the political fray and upholding their tax exempt status.

However, there are forces at large that want pastors to endorse from the pulpit. But think how corrupt that will be.  Donors can enrich the church and get a tax deduction, all just for the pastor to endorse a particular candidate.  And what if some in the congregation want someone else? They would have no say.  The entire congregation could be held hostage to whoever has the greatest donation that would influence endorsements.

TOMORROW July 13 House Appropriations is reviewing Section 116 of the Budget to slide revocation of the Johnson Amendment into law.

We must OPPOSE Section 116 as the start of a slippery slope to creating a nightmare of partisanship within our congregations and in all non-profit organizations.

Our allies at California Nonprofits are making it easy for you to express your opposition. Information on the issue and on Section 116 is on their web site with a place for you to sign on to express your opposition.  The California members of the Appropriations Committee are also listed with their Washington DC phone numbers. 

Here is the link:

Of course you may also call your specific House member via the Capitol Swiotchboard, 202-224-3121. 

The vote in Appropriations is at 7 am Eastern Time tomorrow, so please call today!  Keeping church and state separate has benefitted both church and state – this is not the time to change our laws that undermine that critical Constitutional principles.

Thank you!

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