Senate plans to Fast Track dreadful HOUSE bill on health care! Raise your voice TODAY!


Dear Friends,

We just learned that Senate leadership intends to invoke the “Rule 14” process of fast tracking the House version of health care decimation with the Senate. This would allow a simple majority to pass the bill we have discussed before that will eliminate health care coverage for over 50 million people, 23 on the Affordable Care Act, and another 27 who get employer coverage or find it totally unaffordable. 

Using a simple majority means it could pass.  We heard yesterday that there are 43 votes in support.  It is critical that we raise our voices now to prevent the dangerous 50-vote margin with Vice President Pence casting the tie breaker.

Please raise your voices NOW in opposition to this cowardly maneuver. 

To contact your Senators please go to:

If you prefer to call, use the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your senators,

Or text 50409 – start the message with “Resist” then create a text message you may send to your senators.  The prompts will tell you what to do.

Let your senators know that AHCA is a dreadful bill, that passing it in a sneaky way is despicable.  The Senate has had no hearings, heard none of those in opposition, entertained nothing from the more moderate members.  It is unacceptable that this is happening. 

Stand up for quality health care in America.  Stop fast track on AHCA today!

Thank you!

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