Facing a Grave Constitutional Crisis? What You Can Do


Dear Friends:

Yesterday’s firing of the FBI Director, James Comey, has led to what is now a grave Constitutional crisis.  Comey was the key figure investigating whether American citizens, including key federal office holders and staff, colluded with a foreign government to corrupt our 2016 presidential election.

Firing the man in charge of the investigation is a most dangerous step toward totalitarianism and certainly to a cover up.  Our system requires unfettered access to information by our duly elected representatives.  Anything that thwarts this action is anti-democratic and a threat to the survival of truth and the operation of a functioning Republic.

While Congress continues its own work, we now must have an absolutely neutral outside force continuing the inquiry. 

Please call or contact the Department of Justice and contribute your voice to the call for an independent investigation. 

Contact information is here                     

You may make a written comment on this site or call the DoJ main public comment number   202-353-1555   Tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that you want him to appoint and independent investigation of the issues and people involved in the ongoing inquiry to Russian tampering with our election.

We never thought this would be an issue for us again.  After the lessons of Watergate 1972-1974, we thought our nation and beloved democracy was safe from craven personal manipulation, from exploitation and abrogation of due process.  We at Church IMPACT are charged with examining public policy, but we did not excpect to have to mobilize all of you to defend the basic principles of open and honest government, especially not at the federal level.  But we cannot stay silent in the face of such a threat to our system of justice and right.

Please pass this on to your friends, allies, family – anyone who thinks we must speak out on the basic principles of democratic justice.  Please encourage them to sign up with us to stay abreast of developments and actions they can take.  We face a real crisis in our government, and it will take all of us working together to make sure we pass safely through these rough seas. 

They may sign up at http://www.churchimpact.org/take-action.html

Thank you.  May Peace and Justice prevail for us and our nation.

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