Understand that at JFK and LAX, the border officials NOT abiding by court rulings


Dear Friends,

Latest word – may not be accurate – is that the ICE and other officials at JFK and LAX are NOT abiding by the court rulings ending the ban on immigrant re-entry, especially for Muslims. 

PLEASE stay in touch with people locally to determine if more actions are needed.  Our filters on such issues are not as good as your local ones via news, activist groups, etc.  Consult your local papers – New York Times, Los Angeles Times – to determine what their news desks know.  If you are on the scene and have something to tell us, we will try to post it as soon as we can.

There now have been three almost simultaneous nationwide rulings – NY, VA and WA federal courts all of which stopped the ban. Their rulings were not just for their regions but for the NATION.  Thus, there is NO reason for any enforcement group at any airport to refuse compliance.

Representatives and Senators are now at several airports around the country demanding compliance with the court order. ACLU and other attorneys are working to make sure those in detainment are released immediately. 

The White House is feeling the pressure and has put an ad on CNN saying that they are ‘under attack’.  Well, that’s called democracy. They apparently are feeling the pressure from this action, opposition to cuts in ACA, and several other issues.  In other words – your advocacy is working!  That one branch of the federal government would place a PAID AD in its own defense asking people to call to express support is absolutely unprecedented. This is the nature of how our system works. It’s not an attack. It’s disagreement made manifest through effective citizen action. We think this is how the system is meant to work! And you are DOING that!

We will try to keep you updated. Feel free to bring us information to post. This is a hugely turbulent time, and we are doing our best to bring you righteous information that is worth your notice.  Please forgive us if we sometimes get things wrong – we will correct them as quickly as we can.

Thanks to everyone who has taken action, HOWEVER, you did it. Even just calling friends and neighbors to keep them abreast of the situation is powerful.  Bless you in all you do.  Keep hope alive!

Thank you!

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