Dianne Feinstein is NOT hearing from you – may vote FOR Jeff Sessions


Dear Friends:

Dianne Feinstein has received only 5000 calls against the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

This is the man who refuses to honor the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act as a part of his duties. He is in accord with the President who has just moved to abolish the office of Civil Rights as part of the Department of Justice.

We cannot let this happen.  Jeff Sessions has a long history of racist sympathies, and he cannot become our Attorney General! With all the problems of voter disenfranchisement and barriers to voting for even fully registered voters, we must have an Attorney General who will uphold the CRA and VRA.

Please call Senator Feinstein NOW and keep calling asking her to do everything in her power as our Senator to keep Jeff Sessions from becoming Attorney General.  Her Capitol office (the best place to call) is 202-224-3841.  If you wish to send a FAX, the number is 202-228-3954.  Call of FAX DAILY – his confirmation vote has been put on hold for a week, so start NOW and keep calling her to protest his becoming our AG.

Whoever holds the position of Attorney General upholds either our core principles or abandons their enforcement. We in the faith community must be voices for justice for every person.  Jeff Sessions is not the person we can tolerate in this office.  Urge Sen. Feinstein to do the right thing and vogte against his nomination.

Thank you!

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