Sign the faith letter in support of the Reproductive FACT Act


If your congregation, organization, or community of faith supports women’s reproductive rights, please sign on to this letter, or ask your group to do so.  In collaboration with NARAL Pro-Choice California, Black Women for Wellness, and the state Attorney General’s office, California Council of Churches IMPACT strongly supports this legislation.  You can read the Rev. Dr. Rick Schlosser’s remarks at a recent press conference here.

Faith leaders from around California are coming together to demonstrate support for AB 775, the Reproductive FACT Act.  Fill out the form at to add your name to the letter that will be sent to the governor and members of the CA Senate.

The full text of the letter:

As people of faith, we are writing to encourage you to support The Reproductive FACT Act (AB 775).

The faith community in California encompasses a wide range of views on reproductive rights.  The state can best support the freedom to express those views and bring them into practice by helping women access whichever health care they choose without burdensome cost or delay.

Our state has established itself as a national leader by providing programs to help low-income Californians receive reproductive health care.  If women do not know these programs exist, they may delay seeking care.  Decisions around pregnancy and planning a family are some of the most profound decisions a woman will make, and she must know that money doesn’t need to be a barrier to making the choice that is best for her.  By helping connect women with reproductive health programs as quickly as possible, we ensure better health outcomes for women and children.

The importance of these decisions also means that women should know as much as possible about the facilities and people from whom they seek counsel.  AB 775 ensures that women will know whether they are receiving advice from a licensed medical professional.

Under the Reproductive FACT Act, California women can seek the same religious counseling and support they currently find at any facility in California.  It does not require anyone to recommend or refer for any services that he or she finds morally objectionable.  By connecting more women with affordable reproductive health care, this bill preserves religious freedom for all people of faith in California.  Whatever our beliefs, no one should be afraid of giving women neutral information that empowers them to make smart decisions and helps them get affordable health care.

We wish for our congregants and members to lead the lives that they determine for themselves to be the happiest and healthiest, in consultation with their families, doctors and faith communities.  The Reproductive FACT Act allows them to do that without impediment.  We respectfully ask you to support AB 775. 

Fill out the form at to add your name to the letter that will be sent to the governor and members of the CA Senate. 

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