Protect Social Security and SS Disability Insurance

Happy New Year to all. We hope 2015 will be good for all of you.

We are off to a not-very-good start in Washington, however.

New rules governing the operation of the House of Representatives contains a hidden provision that will cut the amount of Social Security Disability Insurance by 20%. This is already a minimal subsidy – most people get well under $1000 per month – that would be reduced to an unlivable amount for people with occupational injury, disease, developmental and physical disabilities, and many seniors. Those receiving disability support also are not eligible for food stamp assistance due to an archaic rule from some years ago.

The provision could also cut Social Security by rejecting the decades-long allocation process that shifts revenues to account for demographic changes in the recipient population.

The vote on this bill with its hidden time-bomb for our elders and the poorest of the poor may be tonight.

Please call your Representative now and demand that this provision be removed before the vote. It is the most unjust and cruel thing to do to a populace that cannot find other alternatives for income and those who worked hard and who depend on Social Security for their survival.

Please go to your Representative’s site via our link at   Since we are using a new host, you may have to enter your address to get your links, but it takes just a second to make it possible for you to contact him or her on this very important issue!

Thank you!

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