Budget Targets for the Governor during Faithful Fridays events

Dear Friends:

While the budget just passed by the legislature has significant holes in it – by far too little restored for those in need – some significant improvements have been achieved.

In Home Supportive Services  (IHSS)) that helps family members stay home and be paid to care for their elderly or disabled relatives has won a major victory.  Federal law mandates overtime above 40 hours per week, and the Governor proposed capping hours at 40 then forcing people to hire a different person for time above that.

People needing intimate care would have had strangers in the house rather than be tended by those who love them.

Persistence from you – from speaking up at Faithful Fridays events and contacts – has led the Legislature to include both a guarantee not to cap hours and the money to pay overtime!

The Governor probably won’t veto this because it is in a budget ‘trailer bill’ that sets policy to be compliant with budget items to which he has agreed.

However – take nothing for granted.

Contact the Governor and affirm that this IHSS agreement is essential to the moral good of those needing help and also to saving costs by preventing the care provider from having to end the service and find another job.

Forced dislocation of care givers could result in those with disabilities being institutionalize which is vastly more expensive to the state and to the humanity of the person so relocated.

Governor Jerry Brown has made contacting his office much more difficult than his predecessors had.  He has closed several regional offices leaving only the Capitol, Los Angeles, and San Francisco as locations.  We encourage those who can to visit these offices, but there are other means for those who cannot.

Governor Jerry Brown:

State Capitol, First Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814.
916-445-2841.  FAX: 916-558-3160

300 S. Spring Street, Suite 16701, Los Angeles, CA 90013
213-897-0322.  FAX: 213-897-0319

455 Golden Gate Ave., Suite 14000, San Francisco, CA 94102
415-703-2218.  FAX: 415-703-2803

Direct email from you via online form: https://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php

We encourage your congregation to speak to the whole budget and/or specific issues.  Since the Governor has line-item veto power, individual items such as IHSS may be upheld as single items. We further encourage those of you distant from the offices to use Sunday “FAX Parties” to write letters you FAX on weekends or evenings.  The FAX numbers are notoriously overloaded during the weekday hours.

Remind the Governor that serving justice for those in need is an essential test of a stable government in a democracy.  Abandoning those who have already been discarded by too much of society increases instability and immorality among us.

Thank you for letting your voices be heard and keeping the ‘Faithful Fridays’ messages alive!

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