Mad about your utility bills? Join our allies from TURN in Davis, CA March 2 to protest!


Dear Friends:

Please join our allies with The Utility Reform Network at a special meeting of the Public Utilities Commission on March 2 in Davis, CA

Take Action!

If you are hopping mad about your outrageous PG&E gas bill—You are not alone!  

We need your help to stop the California Public Utilities Commission from granting PG&E rate hike after rate hike that are driving utility disconnections, homelessness, and forcing families to choose between paying for heat or paying for food and medicine.

Protest outrageous bills and fight future rate hikes!

    1)    BRING YOUR BILL!   Have your voice heard in person by the five Commissioners at the next CPUC meeting.  You will have two minutes to tell them how much your PG&E gas bill has increased, and what your family must sacrifice in order to get it paid.  


CPUC Public Meeting
9:00 Thursday, March 2

UC Davis, Appellate Courtroom

King Hall 400 Mrak Hall Drive

​Davis, CA

    2)    SIGN A PETITION!  Tell the Commissioners to stop approving outrageous rate increases that double your bills by signing here.

    3)    FILE A CPUC COMPLAINT!  Make the CPUC review your individual bill to find PG&E mistakes that might result in a credit or refund on your bill here.

    4)    SPREAD THE WORD!  Share our petition on Twitter and Share on Facebook!

Your actions today can prevent outrageous rate hikes tomorrow!

Ana Montes, TURN

The Utility Reform Network

785 Market Street, Suite 1400

San Francisco, CA 94103

office: 415.929.8876

Please take advantage of this opportunity to be heard.  Your voice can make a difference!

Thank you.

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