National Day of Action to Save Our Health Care! Call Congress Today!


Dear Friends,

We are joining with United Methodist Board of Church and Society, Families USA, and many other groups to raise our voices together on behalf of saving the Affordable Care Act.

Please call your representatives today to remind them that tens of millions of people will lose their care even if only minor changes are made. There are no benefits if guarantees for covering pre-existing conditions are not accompanied by cost control and subsidies. Simply stating that pre-existing conditions must be covered does not make it affordable.

There is too little benefit for preserving the right of young people remaining on their parents’ plans to age 26. The parents may not have plans they can afford with or without their children. 

What if deductibles are allowed to soar and there is no help financially?  Preventive measures, no provided at no extra charge and without tapping the deductible, could go away,  making us sicker, unable to catch problems in their early stages. 

Please call your representative today.  You may access their phone numbers here   You may also call the US Capitol Switchboard at:
(202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected.

Please ask your representatives to preserve ACA in its entirety. 

Say:  “Hello, my name is_____________ and I am part of the (denomination, church, organization). Today is the National Day of Action on Health Care. Our faith principles call us to put the health of our nation’s people as a major responsibility we have to serving the Common Good and the General Welfare.  We want you to protect the Affordable Care Act in its entirety.  It is the right and moral thing to do. We expect you to do this and will be watching how you vote.”  

Then please remember “Faithful Five Minutes” and call every day on health care or any other topic that concerns you. Five minutes to have your voice heard and to count. It’s important.

Thank you!

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