Call to Restore SSI/SSP Cost of Living Allowance and help lift people from poverty!


Dear Friends:

This year’s budget eliminated the cost of living allowance (COLA) for those living on SSI/SSP federal and state disability. These are people with no or virtually no other resources, so a modest increase in cost of living is critical to keep up with inflation.  California has denied that increase.

However, Assembly Member Cheryl Brown (D-San Bernardino) has amended her bill, AB 1584 to reinstate the COLA for January 1 2018.  We need to get this bill out of Appropriations so it can become law.

Please make 2 quick calls today, and please share this message with your networks to get as many calls in before Friday!

Senate Appropriations Chair Ricardo Lara: (916) 651-4033
Senate Pro Tempore Kevin de León: (916) 651-4024

Sample Script:

Hi, my name is ____ from [your organization and city]. I’m calling at the request of California Church IMPACT to ask Senator Lara/De León to please support AB 1584 to restore the SSI/SSP COLA and help lift 1.3 million Californians out of poverty!

This will take almost no time at all, and yet it can have a powerful impact. Reports are that the offices are flooded with calls so do be patient. That is good news – the calls are all in support!  Please add your voice to this mix.  The power of the faith community should never be underestimated!

Thank you!

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