Proposition 28: Provides Additional Funding for Arts and Music Education in Public Schools

Recommendation: Support


Proposition 28. Provides Additional Funding for Arts and Music Education in Public Schools. Initiative Statute.

This proposition has no opposition. We know from careful analysis by reputable researchers that there are many forms of intelligence including artistic and musical. Not every child is capable of excelling in math, technology, and science and even those who do can profits well from exposure to the arts. 

We have made the arts our sacrificial lamb of earlier budget shortfalls. They were not considered essential. But a well-rounded individual and a robust society as a whole benefit from exposure to various kinds of artistic expression. In this measure 1% of existing revenues will be directed to art and music programs. No new funding will be required. We therefore strongly support the right of artistically-inclined children to have access to these programs and for schools to offer the results of these programs to the student bodies as a whole. We urge a YES vote on this measure.

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