Assuring a free and fair election November 3


Dear Friends,

We imagine most of you have already voted where early voting is possible.  However, many of you will be doing poll watching, helping out at ballot counting, and simply observing our fundamental system of elections.  Some of you may be bringing water, snacks, masks to those waiting in line. We know this is a most contentious year, and we bring you a few tips – just in case.

The FBI has told us that they are committed to watching out for anything like voter suppression, intimidation, anything that prevents someone from getting access to their polling place or ballot drop off location.  If you see anything, there is a nationwide number for the FBI that is easy to remember: it is: 
1-800-CALLFBI.  That is 1-800-255-4324. 

You will need to tell them exactly where you are, give your name and contact information if you have photos or videos of voter harassment.  An FBI agent will be deployed to that site.  Of course if there is actual threat or danger, first call 911.  If you live where the police are not very proactive, do it anyway. Their mere presence helps guarantee better safety.

The United Church of Christ has posted an outstanding resource guide for a free and fair election day, spiritual resources to help us through what may be dark days ahead, and other resources you may find useful.  To find this excellent guide please go here.

We all want our nation to engage  peacefully is what has been the foundational principle of our democratic republic: voting.  We hope these suggestions are not actually needed.  Routine, peaceful, even boring election ritual now seems quaint but actually is highly desirable.  So we wish you a dull November 3 as you do the essential work of democracy:  VOTE!  

Yours in hope of an event-free, cheerful election day-

California Church IMPACT

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