Tell Governor Brown to outlaw “junk insurance”.  It’s a disaster!


Dear Friends,

When Washington “allowed” Americans to buy 3-year, short-term health insurance.  They are often far less expensive than even the Affordable Care Act coverage with subsidies (that are being revoked slowly as well.). Well, of course they are.  They don’t remotely provide the coverage and guarantees that the ACA required for all insurance before this “reform”.

These polices are “junk insurance”.  The don’t have to cover people with pre-existing conditions; they can have annual and lifetime caps that are very low;  they can and do eliminate coverage of maternity care, mental health coverage, prescription drugs.  By enticing people with lower premium prices, they add to the destabilization of the real insurance markets and are chock full of hidden surprises for those who have bought in.  It’s health insurance in name only.  It doesn’t do the job, but you might not know that until you use it, and then it’s too late.

SB 910 (Hernandez) has now passed both houses.  It bans junk insurance from being sold in California.  The bill is now headed to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature.  

Please call, email, or write Governor Brown telling him to keep California health insurance standards high.  Please sign SB 910 so that we who are patients can know full well that we have real health care coverage, that we won’t be victims of undisclosed limitations, and that those in need of real insurance have access to it, not to the snake oil this new market would unleash on the unsuspecting.

To email the Governor, click here
To call Governor Brown or send a FAX, please go to the IMPACT link here

It’s important that all Californians have access to real insurance that is accessible, affordable, accountable, and inclusive.  No one should be left holding a worthless piece of paper that lets them down in their most critical time of need.

Urge Governor Brown to sign SB 910!

Thank you!

2 Replies to “Tell Governor Brown to outlaw “junk insurance”.  It’s a disaster!

  1. Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) presently voted to cancel the Trump Administration’s growth of presumed as ‘junk’ insurance schemes. These schemes can confute health coverage to people with previous situations and rip Ohioans off by blowing them for insurance but failing to cover important services for instance prescription drugs and emergency room visits when they are required. Junk schemes are actually that – junk. These health care schemes permit the insurance companies to slash people off by hiking up prices for Ohioans with previous conditions or charging them for insurance and then failing to offer the coverage when people need it at extreme.

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