Help Keep Our Voices Alive – Support CA Council of Churches IMPACT today!


Dear Friends,

In a world gone mad with 24-hour blasts of information that doesn’t inform, breaking news that isn’t news, angry attacks on everything from Mom to apple pie, what and whom are you supposed to trust?

California Church IMPACT exists to do its utmost to be a trusted source of information, a reliable guide to understanding secular policy as it intersects our faith world, and — most of all — not to lie.

There is nothing you and your congregations do that is not affected by public policy.  How we take care of “the least of these” in our midst, when we pay taxes and for what, what services exist or are to be cut that makes our outreach to those in need better or worse – all of these things affect us.

We do our level best to bring you accurate information, especially beyond what seems obvious, to counteract the avalanche of information that spills down on us daily.  We work to cut through the fog of double speak. We look under the surface to find what else is lurking that might have grave consequences to our collective work that are not apparent.

Are we perfect? Goodness, no!  But we strive to be honorable and accurate in what we see within our state and federal policy.  And we tackle many diverse topics so you can get somewhat closer to “truth” than you will find anywhere else.

What would you do without us?

Then we ask you to act. We ask you to mobilize; to speak “truth to power”. We can do that only by offering the best analyses of what that truth is, what facts are clear, what lies behind a particular legislative bill or policy, and why it all matters. 

We are engaged – and engage you – in advocating for policies that enrich our nation, not just the few. We stand for health care, racial justice, civil rights for all people, food security and other essential assistance to those our society has left behind. We work to find within our state the path to funding programs the federal government seeks to eliminate but that are desperately needed nonetheless.

We ask you to raise your voice on behalf of what is just and right – on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves – and to make clear that half a loaf is not better than none. It’s just as bad morally when there is money for more.

We ask you to be brave, to defy convention, to take the road less traveled in what we affirm within our democracy. We provide you with the tools, the resources, and the pathway so that your voice is effective.  And we are constantly reminded that they know us well in the Capitol, even in the Governor’s office, because we never let up, never back down, never stop.

We will keep working to keep you well-informed, to counter the “fake news” and sloppy thinking, so you can keep working to make California and America a just and moral place for all.

What would you do in this work if IMPACT were not here with you?

We have never backed down from standing up to anyone, Democrat or Republican, who violates our principles of respect and equity for all God’s children.  No exceptions.

We therefore need two things from you:

Now we need your donations to help keep us moving forward. Every penny will help us continue being your voice and source of analysis in both Sacramento and in Washington DC.

We need you to help expand our reach. Please get others who are not on our advocacy alerts to sign up.  The more voices we have, the more effective we can be. Work with us to include more youth and young families in this work.

We need your help to make sure our progressive allies can stand up and state clearly and strongly that a significant portion of the faith community is solidly behind them. We respect the right of anyone, especially those in the faith community, to express differing opinions and positions on social issues. The problem right now is that only the regressive faith-based voices seem to be getting the media attention. Many legislators want to do the right and compassionate things – but they need our support to be able to take the public heat.

Please support the important work of California Church IMPACT with your generous support.  Help us be the voice of the voiceless.  Help us stand for justice and compassion. Help us be faithful to the Gospel call to prophetic ministry.

Please make your contribution today by mail or online below.  We need to hear from you soon!

For those of you already donating, especially monthly, thank you!!  Your support means the world to us.

Rick Schlosser, Executive Director, and Libby Sholes, Director of Public Policy

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