Health care threatened again – RAISE YOUR VOICE to protect our care!


Dear Friends,

The House of Representatives is raising yet another vote to end the Affordable Care Act.  This time the proposal is even worse.

There is a provision to permit states to end all protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Not only would premiums soar out of sight, you would go back to being denied coverage at all.

Caps and annual limits could also be imposed.  People with long-term or chronic problems could find their insurance payments cut off for a year – or a lifetime.

Essential services such as pregnancy care could be eliminated.

This takes us right back to where we were pre-ACA.  Millions would lose coverage immediately or find it simply unaffordable. 

This is not a drill – this is real.  The House is preparing to vote Friday – tomorrow – and you need to take action NOW.

Please call your representatives today and early tomorrow at 202-224-3121.  Tell them NO on the upcoming “reform” and why, as a person of faith, you will not accept a retreat to the past.  All people deserve comprehensive health care coverage, affordable, accessible, accountable, and inclusive.  Nothing less will do.

Please take action today – time is of the essence!

Thank you!

One Reply to “Health care threatened again – RAISE YOUR VOICE to protect our care!”

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