Affordable Care Act remains law of the land! You saved it!

Dear Friends:

Yesterday’s defeat of the bill to scrap the Affordable Care Act was monumental. It is entirely due to your work.
Yes, hard-core anti-health care ideology was the final blow, but your voices in phone calls, emails, town halls, visits all held the line on behalf of the ACA and against gutting the plan.  By standing firmly for good health care coverage, by rejecting plans to force 24 MILLION people to drop coverage they could not afford, you made a vote to kill the ACA utterly impossible.

This is the success that a moral voice for democracy can have.  You did this work. You got this victory.

There will be more challenges to come.  Those who see the ACA as tax revenue to be directed away from health care and into massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are not going away quietly.  We will have to be on guard against stealth programs that cut support, especially for Medicaid, and start demanding the impossible such as the requirement that everyone receiving Medicaid has to work or lose it.  Medicaid helps those who CANNOT work, so this tactic is particularly evil.

But for the moment, ACA is the law of the land, the health care option we saved.  Your voices, your determination, your efforts made all the difference.  This is democracy in action thanks to you.

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